Barbara Tucker Obituary, Death Cause – On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, funeral services were held for Barbara Ann (Boyd) Tucker, who had gone away the previous day at the age of 70. Barbara Ann had passed away the previous day. In the years leading up to her departure, Barbara Ann (Boyd) Tucker called the city of New Albany in Indiana her home. She was working at Kids First at the time, and it was clear that she had a lot of passion for the field of child care, which was the sector in which she was engaged at the time.
Barbara had a strong passion for the kitchen, was devoted to her pets Panda and Precious, and was a devout follower of the teachings of the Revolution Church. In addition to that, she had a natural talent for tending to the needs of animals. In addition to it, she was an exceptionally skilled chef. Her parents were Raymond Boyd and Charlotte (Earls) Boyd, and the 14th of June, 1953 found her being delivered in the city of Madison, Indiana.
Charlotte Earls Boyd was her name at the time. She was the only child who had ever been born into their family. When Barbara passed away, only her sons Chad and Jason Tucker, her brother Ron Van Tyle and his wife Holly, as well as her sister Carolyn Fox and her husband Alan were able to outlast her. They were the only members of Barbara’s immediate family to participate in such activity.
After Barbara made it very apparent that she wanted her corpse cremated, the responsibility of looking after her ashes was handed to Newcomer Cremations, Funerals & Receptions in New Albany. This establishment can be found at 3309 Ballard Lane.