NBC’s ‘Dateline: The Case of the Man with No Name’ presents viewers with a case with layers upon layers. Though the story primarily revolves around the death of Dwayne Demkiw at the hands of Jason Steadman, AKA Robert Aubrey-Maxwell, it is Angel Chalifoux who serves as a link between the two men. Her words certainly paint the picture of just what might have been the motivation behind Steadman’s actions. However, it has also left people curious and eager to explore just what she has been up to these days.
Who is Angel Chalifoux?
In 2012, Angel Chalifoux first met the man she knew as Robert Aubrey-Maxwell, though his real name turned out to be Jason Steadman. During their first encounter, Steadman had been a customer of Tim Hortons, where Angel worked. Prior to that, she had once been in a relationship with Dwayne Demkiw. While that particular relationship did not last, the two had remained friends. In fact, when Angel was in a relationship with Steadman, she was still on good terms with Dwayne, and the two men, according to an acquaintance, had even met once in 2013.
However, when Angel and Steadman broke up in May 2015, he apparently blamed Swayne as one of the reasons behind the separation. Hence, he decided to attack Dwayne about two weeks after his breakup. In the early hours of May 31, 2015, Dwayne was attacked and left in the woods near Innisfail, Alberta. Steadman then burned the car that Dwayne owned, and the killer himself had used to transport the body of his victim.
As the case unraveled, Angel was not only shocked by the fate of her two former partners but also by the fact that the man she had known for about three years was not who he had claimed to be. She did present her side of the story in the court, indicating that Steadman had been far from happy about her close relationship with Dwayne. It was her side of the story that allowed the prosecutors to suggest that Steadman had committed his murderous actions due to his jealousy and was upset about the end of his relationship with Angel.
Where is Angel Chalifoux Today?
Angel Chalifoux herself seems to prefer a private lifestyle and does not seem to be very active on social media. That said, she did not shy away from sharing her account during the trial that convicted Jason Steadman of Dwayne Demkiw’s murder, sharing how the former disliked her friendship with the latter. “Sometimes it was fine, and other times he had problems with it,” Angel shared in the court.
When Steadman apparently started becoming more aggressive in their relationship, Angel felt like her relationship was deteriorating. Swayne was also concerned about his friend’s well-being, afraid that he might actually hurt her. “Dwayne said he was scared he was going to get a call from the hospital to pick me up or identify my body,” Angel explained, though the reality played out in the opposite direction. For his crimes, Steadman was sentenced to 25 years in prison in February 2019 after being found guilty of first-degree murder and arson.